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Michael Caton

Michael Caton, Group Analytic Psychotherapist, Number 42
Job title
Group Analytic Psychotherapist
Therapy formats

Training in Group Analysis was a response to what I could experience but not understand in and around me. I observed how people can be creative and destructive whilst maintaining close personal relationships simultaneously.

My beginning as psychotherapist started, when I was invited simply: “to just run some groups” in an organisation I worked in. I was struck by the experience and saw that what was important in these spaces, had little to do with what I was delivering, and much more to do with the interactions between participants and what these interactions uncovered.

Without a means of understanding what I observed, I enrolled on a foundation in Group Analysis 2005, qualifying as a Group Analytic Psychotherapist in 2008 (Postgraduate Diploma) and gaining a Master of Arts Degree in 2009. With accreditations from the UKCP and UPCA.

Since qualifying, I have plied my trade both as Senior Psychotherapist within Psychotherapy Services, within Private Practice. And in various consultancy roles within the NHS and Voluntary sector; offering expert consultation, Reflective Practice and providing Clinical Supervision.

My work revolves around the idea that the basic psychological unit for people is not an individual or couple but a group. That people are essentially social and relational but are often in conflict with this aspect of themselves, that we participate, preconditioned and influenced by the groups we belong to and that exploration from this perspective and how these dynamics influence can enhance your consciousness, improve relationships and lessen the distress felt.

I offer Group Analytic Psychotherapy and Individual therapy from Psychodynamic Orientation on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday evenings.

Contact me

To book a session or ask any questions feel free to contact me directly.
